Saturday, June 21, 2014

High Intensity Interval Training is not a Leisurely Saturday Morning WOD

To be fair, no, I didn't die ... 

So, it’s Saturday. It’s 3 p.m. and I’m on the couch.

I wanted to do a lot of things before a shoot tonight, like clean, organize my closet, shop for my kid, maybe grab a coffee or smoothie somewhere and take in a movie. But I’m not doing any of those things … because it requires moving various parts of my body.

And right now, my body is smoked.

See, I’ve remained committed to working out and eating clean so that I can have dessert for dinner on occasion … s. Um … Well, mostly so that I can still fit into my clothes, though, because I can’t afford a new wardrobe. But I digress.

In being so committed, I accepted an invitation to work out with a photography client of mine – who, as it turns out, is also a fitness trainer. I was really only going to drop off her CD, but once I was there my pride would not let me leave. So I was like, psshhhhhyeeeeaaaah, I’m down to workout.

Which might not have been the best decision, in hindsight, as the WOD the night before pretty much destroyed my upper body.
Took this as a comparison between last year and this year. 

Don’t be fooled. It’s one of my favorite workouts, but the handstand pushups take a lot out of you. By the time I got to the kettlebell swings, my fingers had no grip and my arms were wrecked. There were a few swings where I felt I could have lost control of the kettlebell. But I didn’t. And I made it to 11 rounds - more than double my last attempt. Anyway.

So, there I was at the gym, laughing and joking, nervous, as the trainer starts writing the workout that I soon realized was the warm-up. I stopped laughing when she disclosed the WOD for the day:
I was expressionless on the outside, but crying on the inside. 

It was a Tabata WOD. That’s eight rounds of each couplet, alternating so you’re doing a total of four rounds each with a row in between. I felt sick ... and briefly calculated the odds anyone would know I was lying if I made up an excuse to leave.

“Oh, yeah, I’m so sorry … I forgot I had a shoot at 4 p.m. today and need to prepare for that for the next eight hours. Photography is … so hard to … prepare … for stuff …” 


I learned my lesson about underestimating workouts with my first Fight Gone Bad a few years ago. And while 20 secs on/20 off for one minute may seem easy, it’s not. 
It’s like repeatedly slamming your toe in a door for 20 seconds. Okay, so that was just a little dramatic …

Most of my hesitations to jump in on this are:

  1. I have a weird anxiety about working out in front of people. Especially people I don’t know. I’m not athletic and I look awkward when I workout. Remember Elaine from Seinfeld dancing? Yeah, like that.
  2. It’s hard to explain why I can do HSPUs but I’m still on banded pull-ups after nine months – but at least I’m on the black band!
  3. I sweat every ounce of water in my body and it’s not pretty
Hashtag nofilter, melted mascara,
40 year old drama queen ...

Honestly, at some point during a WOD, I’m so wrecked none of points 1-3 even matter anymore.

Looking at the WOD, it seems relatively simple, but it was legit. First eight rounds, no problem. Burpees aren’t my favorite, but I maintained a steady pace to hit at least 6-7 in 20 seconds each time. Same with the goblet squats but went for 9-10.

I think my body started rejecting the WOD when we hit the second couplet. All the muscles in my upper body protested, reminding me of the previous day’s WOD in case I forgot.  I really only finished by sheer force of will and my determination to not crawl out of there dragging my pride and dignity behind me.

And I have to thank my Crossfit coach, his tips on rowing technique helped me out on this a lot. While, 200 meters is not a long distance to row, good technique can make the difference between smoking my arms beyond use and being able to type out this blog post.

Don’t get me wrong, I feel great. Like that kind of great when you find an awesome pair of workout pants that makes everything look better with sewn in Spanx?

Yeah, like that. 

Disclaimer: I'm not one of those pro-fitness, I love working out more than life, cheerleaders. But I am pro  doing what makes you feel good about yourself on the inside and looking fit on the outside. I'll be the first to tell you I'd rather be doing anything else than working out, but I also want to be in semi-decent shape and healthy.