Wednesday, December 31, 2014

10 Ways To Turn Your New Years Resolution Fails into Success

New Years Resolutions are like diets: You’re good until you remember how much you miss your freedom to eat things that make your mouth happy – most of which are not healthy choices, but who doesn’t like a good Twinkie?

I choose not to make New Years Resolutions. If I want to make a change or do something, I do it when I decide I want it. Because waiting a few months to an entire year to start anything is wasting time I could have been making progress.

Like writing that book I’ve been working on for the last three years …

A lot of people fall off the initial momentum of that resolution wagon, regardless of when they make that promise to themselves, and they don’t understand why.  Well, I figured it out. Actually, my dad figured it out and I listened to what he said.

So, without further ado, here’s a surefire way to ensure success when making those promises to yourself:


1. MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY. If you want to succeed at anything, you need to make it a priority; but it will never be a priority until it’s important enough for you to make it one. And to do that, you need to make yourself a priority. Once you realize you are just as important as all the other people and things you put ahead of yourself in life, it will be a lot easier to make those resolutions stick instead of finding excuses to put them off.

You don’t want to look back on a life of regrets, do you?

You’re welcome and Good Luck.