Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lone Star in the Great Place

I only told a handful of people I was moving and the last of those people were my parents. Why? I don’t know. I guess I didn’t want them to talk me out of changing my life because the one I was living wasn’t working out anymore. I didn’t tell anyone else, mostly because I wanted to see if I could keep my mouth shut and not make a big deal about it. Plus, I didn’t want anyone making up insane reasons about why I left town.
It’s been three months since I made the move to Texas and it’s still so new to me. Everything is big, referred to as big or has ‘big’ in the name. Stars are used to punctuate everything from words to signs to pavement markings. If you look out of the car window while driving down the expressway, you can see for miles straight across in either direction, overwhelming proof of the fact that even the smaller cities in Texas are big. Texas pride is as big as the state with the locals as well as transplants. You’ve never seen so many people ready to tell you how amazingly awesome the state of Texas is – even if they came from New York City.  Even the military base, Fort Hood, is big; it’s called “The Great Place.” Every trip through the main gate, I’m welcomed to “The Great Place” as if I’d forget if they didn’t remind me.
You can say that all military towns are the same, but I can tell you they are not. The only constant is the demographic population, which is mostly military. But the overall vibe I get from here is positive, so far. That could be due to the fact that I haven’t gotten out and met that many people. Before I made the move, I was warned that the Killeen area was awful and that I would absolutely hate it. But, you can’t judge a place by location, but only by the company you keep. So, in theory, if you have good friends, you will always have good times no matter where you are.
That said, there aren’t too many places here to have those good times and I’ve only made a few friends who I rarely see outside of work. I've been to Austin twice to check out the live music scene and ended up at Coyote Ugly, just to have something to do. It’s a huge contrast to living in dramaville where there was always stuff to do locally and people to do it with, it just depended on how much drama or bull crap you wanted to put up with at any given time. That’s not to say that I didn’t have good times in the ‘ville, I had great times, stressful times and a fair share of dramatic WTF times. As my brother said, I’d “worn out my welcome years ago” and it was time for me to “move on.” So, I did. I couldn’t have picked a bigger place to move, either.
I joke that I moved to the only state large enough to contain all the awesome that is me, that I was too big for the 'ville. But the truth is, after getting laid off from my job, and having a tough time finding work in the ‘ville, I started looking at my options if I were willing to relocate. My job opportunities multiplied once I expanded my search area. When my boyfriend moved to Texas with his job, I decided to send out my resume to a few companies in the area where he was living.  After spending a year on unemployment and getting turned down for jobs I was more than qualified for because I didn’t have a college degree to prove it, I honestly didn’t expect much response.
But, to my surprise, I heard back from all the companies I sent a resume to and was offered jobs from more than half of them. I just had to decide which one I wanted the most, where would I be happiest and how fast I could move because everyone wanted me to start the day before last week. I made the move in less than two weeks with what I could fit in my car to accept a job working for the ‘A-Team.’  It was the job I initially wanted when I started looking for work i the Fort Hood area. Was moving the right decision? Maybe for selfish me, but I’m sure that mommies aren’t supposed to choose paths that take them 1,300 miles from their kid. But here I am, in a state that’s so big it could be its own country. Now, instead of being a big fish in a small, crowded pond, I’m a small bling in a huge constellation of stars. Literally … there are stars everywhere here. And Mexican restaurants.
I’m looking forward to a few things now that I’m settled: enjoying my job, spending time with the boyfriend, seeing the entire state of Texas – which I understand could possibly take a while – meeting the locals and having my daughter out here in the summer to share the experience. I hear the summers are brutal in Texas, just without the humidity. I’ve already started to experience the mood swings in Texas weather, from windy mornings to the scorching afternoon heat. This can’t be good for my wrinkles, but there's a cosmetic surgeon literally up the street and around the corner from where I live. Talk about "location, location, location."

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Brazilian Butt Lift jeans - all the results without the work

My boyfriend likes big butts. 

I’m talking luscious, Brazilian, porn star booty. God didn’t see fit to give me one of those or boobs any bigger than AA batteries (except when I was pregnant and then I had major ass and watermelon tits). He (or She) gave me everything else that adds up to “girl with a great personality” which, lucky for me, the boyfriend appreciates. But what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t at least try to non-surgically augment my assets for the boyfriend’s viewing pleasure? (Rhetorical question, folks.)

You don’t get a great ass by sitting on it, so I knew that I’d have to step-up my workout (okay fine - start a workout). According to Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt, I learned that lunges, squats and running in place help to sculpt the rear to a more desirable shape. So, I majored in the 30 minute workout program with a focus on glutes. After a few weeks of lunging and squatting and running, I noticed that I was losing mass in my ass but it was not perking up at all. I needed a Plan B which came in the form of an infomercial.

So, there I was in my living room, with the Brazilian Butt Lift workout CDs. Leandro Carvalho not only speaks with an unintelligible accent, making it hard to understand his running commentary, but his swiveling hips, stretchy shorts, bright colors and fanny pack only distracted and confused me. Plus, no one told me I had to have a pre-requisite in South American dance to follow the routines. It’s like that one time I bought MTV’s The Grind Workout video in an attempt to make working out less boring (Eric Nies in a tank top = hot). That ended with a broken coffee table and a twisted ankle due to choreography that was obviously for the experienced dancer.

Then, I was in a store in Austin two weeks ago and I found a magical pair of jeans. The Brazilian Butt Lift jean gives anyone the appearance of having a juicy booty without actually having been born with one – or work for one. Of course, I had to try on a pair for myself. So, I did.

Wow …

My booty popped in them. They lifted and sculpted (without padding, BTW) my butt into ass-clapping, Brazilian fabulousness – and without surgery! I wanted them – bad. But, with a $90 price tag, I had to walk away, much like I walked away from breast implant surgery and a nose job. Because, even though the price for the jeans would be worth it, I’d have to buy shirts and shoes to go with it adding to the price of my purchase. It’s like buying boobs - $4,000 ends up being almost $5,000 when you consider new bras and shirts to fit the chest expansion. But … how could I compare a few thousand to a little over a hundred? Right?

Sadly, I didn’t buy those magical, butt-lifting jeans that day and when I got home, I tried on my existing inventory of jeans. What I found was if I stood with my back slightly arched, I could give the appearance of having a phat booty – from the side. Painful and it required some work, but it was less expensive than the alternative.

Sigh. I think I’ll just stick to my personality. It takes almost no effort whatsoever to be this awesome. Besides, I’m absolutely positive that the bigger the ass, the more it will sag as it ages. So, mine will look exactly the same 20 years from now while those lucky enough to have a juicy booty will watch gravity pull it to the back of their knees.